Spring Cleaning Tips


Spring is finally arriving, and with all the fresh blooms in the flowers and trees we can’t help but feel inspired to start fresh in our homes too! Spring cleaning can seem like a massive undertaking- trying to decide what to keep, donate, throw out. We get it! It can be totally stressful. That’s why we’ve come up with easy tips for cleaning and organizing your home this spring season! 

A good first step is to take it one space at a time and create three piles- keep, donate, throw out. Making these piles as you go through each space will make the process go by so much quicker! Before you move on to another space, be sure to already place items to donate or throw out in bins or bags and move them into a storage space: your garage or basement. In doing so, you’ll be able to see how much lighter, cleaner, and organized each space you work through looks and feels! 

If you have kids, you know how cluttered and disorganized kitchen pantries get! We love using resealable containers for dry foods to keep it fresh and help keep the space tidy and organized. Another great way to organize the pantry is to use organizing trays and containers, so kids can always find their favorite snack in their designated space, and you don’t have to spend ages rummaging around for your morning coffee pods. Here are some of our favorite baskets and Tupperware for pantry storage:


Next, we suggest a thorough deep cleaning of all the rugs and carpets. Between pets, kids, and guests, rugs and carpets pick up so much debris throughout the year so a deep cleaning will help keep them looking clean and new! We also recommend having curtains steam cleaned or dry cleaned depending on the material. Our top picks for steam cleaners are:


One area of the home that tends to get overlooked are ceiling fans. We get it, they’re so hard to reach, and go months without being used! Unfortunately, they’re also prone to collecting a lot of dust and debris in your home. Not only should you dust off and wiped down the blades, but also make sure they are set to turn counterclockwise. This helps push air down, creating a cooling flow of air in the room, which helps keep room temperatures consistent, and use of air conditioning down. 

Whether you clean your home yourself or have it done professionally, it’s important to always keep essential house cleaning supplies stocked. Go through your products and see what can be thrown out, replaced, or restocked. With kids and pets in the house, and always being on the go, we love nontoxic multi-use products in our home. It helps keep the clutter to a minimum and ensures we’re keeping our home clean in a safe way for our kids- both on two legs and four. Our top picks for home cleaning supplies are:


Lastly, something that often gets overlooked are the felt floor protecting pads on the bottom of furniture pieces. Be sure to go through each piece to replace old felt pads with new one. This will help keep your wooden floors looking glossy and new, by helping minimize scratches and marks. Our favorite felt padding options are:


You can find sources to my designs and home decor favorites linked directly above on my LIKEtoKNOW.it page.

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